The WpStarter Framework for Wordpress

WpStarter is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.

Write code for the joy of it.

WpStarter values beauty. We love clean code just as much as you do. Simple, elegant syntax puts amazing functionality at your fingertips. Every feature has been thoughtfully considered to provide a wonderful developer experience.

Start Learning

Monolith or API — the choice is yours.

Build robust, full-stack applications in PHP using WpStarter and Livewire. Love JavaScript? Build a monolithic React or Vue driven frontend by pairing WpStarter with Inertia.

Or, let WpStarter serve as a robust backend API for your Next.js application, mobile application, or other frontend. Either way, our starter kits will have you productive in minutes.

Starter Kits

Everything you need to be amazing.


Laravel's "Eloquent" ORM provides best-in-class database abstraction without the headaches. Query and update your data without breaking a sweat. Eloquent pairs perfectly with MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, and SQL Server.


Dispatch background jobs to perform slow tasks like sending emails and generating reports while maintaining blazing fast response times. Laravel's robust queue system can process jobs using Redis, Amazon SQS, or even MySQL and Postgres.


WpStarter Echo and event broadcasting make it a cinch to build modern, realtime user experiences. Create amazing realtime applications while powering your WebSockets with pure PHP, Node.js, or serverless solutions like Pusher and Ably.


Stop sweating authentication. WpStarter provides scaffolding for secure, session based authentication, while WpStarter Sanctum provides painless authentication for APIs and mobile applications.

Move fast...
with confidence.

WpStarter is committed to delivering the best testing experience you can imagine. No more brittle tests that are a nightmare to maintain. Beautiful testing APIs, database seeding, and painless browser testing let you ship with confidence.

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A community built for people like you.

WpStarter is for everyone — whether you have been programming for 20 years or 20 minutes. It's for architecture astronauts and weekend hackers. For those with degrees and for those who dropped out to chase their dreams. Together, we create amazing things.